The purpose of this policy and the procedures outlined within are to provide clear direction for families and staff to follow for the waiting list for Hucklebug Preschool Inc. All of Hucklebug Preschool Inc sites are part of the Centralized Waitlist for Peterborough City and County. Hucklebug Preschool Inc is aware of the shortage of child care spaces in the community, we do our best to give families an accurate likelihood of receiving care. The waiting list for families requesting child care is maintained when child care spaces are not currently available.
To join any of our programs go to https://onehsn.com/peterborough/ux_2_0 and follow the directions. Applications may be taken at any time during the year for the current or subsequent years. All registrations will get an automatic response once received. If you have any questions, you can reach out to a site supervisor for clarification. Each site has their own waitlist and will be managed by the site supervisor. There is no fee to add your children to the waitlist. The waitlist policy is in our Handbook which is available on our website. Families are also welcome to call or email to check their status. The privacy and confidentiality of children/families on the waiting list is maintained. We will only share the child's position on the waitlist with their respective family.
When a space becomes available, a supervisor will make an offer to the next applicable applicant on the waitlist. Orientation by the supervisor with families and child will be held prior to the first day of attendance. Child care fees will begin on the mutually confirmed start date.

Waitlist Priorities
1. Children of current educators
2. Children of current Board Members
3. Children needing full time care
4. Children of current or returning families
Note: Waitlist priorities may change your current standing which means that first place on the waitlist may be pushed down by a new waitlist family with a higher priority.
Waitlist Management
The date of registration on the waitlist will reflect the date the registration was completed online.
It is the family’s responsibility to change any information on the online registration.
Once space is confirmed to be available, an offer is made to a family as per our waitlist priorities. Families have 3 business days to confirm placement into the program.
If we are not able to offer space for as many days as are requested, the family will be offered what days are available. If the family is not interested, the offer will be made to the next family on the waiting list. If the family starts with fewer days, we will add days as they become available.
A family who refuses a space the first time it is offered or fails to return the first call will retain its priority on the waitlist.
A family who refuses a space when offered a second time or fails to return a second call will be placed at the end of the waitlist.
A family who refuses a third offer for a space or fails to return a third call will be withdrawn from the waitlist. Once withdrawn from the waitlist, a family must complete a new online registration to the One HSN centralized waitlist.
If a family is inquiring as to their position on the waitlist, they are to call the Supervisor of the program.